Ambassador Meetings

Ambassador Meetings

All member stations are invited to the ambassador meetings to gather around our common interest in radio. At the meetings, the stations give insights on how they are doing, what they are doing at the moment but also the opportunity to ask for help from the other stations. At all meetings, the Board also usually reports briefly on their work, while the Member Stations can bring questions and wishes to the Board.

Those who are invited to the Ambassador Meetings are usually the intended SRS ambassadors from each station, alternatively the chairman or another available member from the station. If you have not received an invitation and feel that you would like to participate, you can contact your station's chairman, SRS ambassador or the board of SRS.

The ambassador meetings are organized once a month. During months when the annual meeting, member meeting or summer break occurs, no meetings are arranged.



Questions? Contact:


Wilma Johansson
Ledare för ambassadörsmöten

Ambassador Meetings

All member stations are invited to the ambassador meetings to gather around our common interest in radio. At the meetings, the stations give insights on how they are doing, what they are doing at the moment but also the opportunity to ask for help from the other stations. At all meetings, the Board also usually reports briefly on their work, while the Member Stations can bring questions and wishes to the Board.

Those who are invited to the Ambassador Meetings are usually the intended SRS ambassadors from each station, alternatively the chairman or another available member from the station. If you have not received an invitation and feel that you would like to participate, you can contact your station's chairman, SRS ambassador or the board of SRS.

The ambassador meetings are organized once a month. During months when the annual meeting, member meeting or summer break occurs, no meetings are arranged.


Wilma Johansson
Ledare för ambassadörsmöten

Ambassador Meetings

Ambassador Meetings

All member stations are invited to the ambassador meetings to gather around our common interest in radio. At the meetings, the stations give insights on how they are doing, what they are doing at the moment but also the opportunity to ask for help from the other stations. At all meetings, the Board also usually reports briefly on their work, while the Member Stations can bring questions and wishes to the Board.

Those who are invited to the Ambassador Meetings are usually the intended SRS ambassadors from each station, alternatively the chairman or another available member from the station. If you have not received an invitation and feel that you would like to participate, you can contact your station's chairman, SRS ambassador or the board of SRS.

The ambassador meetings are organized once a month. During months when the annual meeting, member meeting or summer break occurs, no meetings are arranged.


Questions? Contact:


Wilma Johansson
Ledare för ambassadörsmöten
